
Thursday 26 November 2009

Christmas give away

New cards, and another print run.

I am having a reprint of some of my greeting cards, and another 4 new ones.

I will be randomly selecting a person who leaves a comment on this blog, and as a Christmas gift will be giving them a full set of of cards.

This will be done on the 13th of December. If you live in this country or Europe, you will get them before Christmas. Other parts of the world often can take longer.
I have had the proofs from the printer and should receive the cards within a couple of weeks. If you would like to buy a pack of all 19 cards you are welcome to purchase them at a special price of £15, which includes postage. I normally sell them for £1.50 each or £28.50 excluding postage.

Alder; Ashburton.

Hawthorn; Haytor, Dartmoor

Oak tree; Sussex.

Arum Lilies; Landhydrock, Cornwall.

Above are the 4 new cards, and below are the present set:

Stags-head oak; Bovey Tracey, Dartmoor

Apple; Godalming, Surrey

Oak; Wistmans Wood, Dartmoor.

Beech tree; Dartmoor.Alder buckthorn; Spitchwick, Dartmoor.

Walnut; Bovey Tracey, Dartmoor.
Tulip Tree; Saltram, Devon

Cairn; Rocky Valley, Cornwall.

Oak tree; Wistmans Wood, Dartmoor.

Oak tree; Wistmans Wood, Dartmoor.

Oak tree; Wistmans Wood, Dartmoor.

Oak tree; Dewerstone, Dartmoor.

Oak tree; Cisbury Hill Fort, Sussex.
Alder buckthorn; Spitchwick, Dartmoor.

I sell these cards wholesale; the minimum order is £25, postage is £6, flat rate. If your are interested in selling them please contact me for the wholesale price.


  1. Hello Sean,
    Well as anybody who knows me will tell you I’m not exactly a spend thrift and I am always up for a ‘freebie’! But hey who isn’t? but fair do’s absolutely beautiful and outstanding images on your cards sir.
    Regards, John

  2. Hi Sean,

    very good photos, the processing is amazing what package do you use to do that?



  3. Thank you John, so far you have a 50/50 chance of a freebie.
    Mark, I use an older photoshop, mainly because it have a CYMK mode which is needed for colour printers (off set litho ),most of us work in RGB and if this is converted into CYMK the colours do change a bit. I would use a programme called GIMP, which is free and a very good photo editing programme otherwise. GIMP can not convert RGB to CYMK, which is a big shame. If you do not use off set litho or 4 colour printers then use GIMP. Before Photoshop I use a knife and ruler, cut up my photos and stuck them onto card.

  4. Just to reduce the odds and pass on a complement. Excellent work Sean. Wot no fan-tailed robin?

  5. Love the cards. Hope to get a 1 in 4 chance now to get them.


  6. 1 in 5 now!

    The cards look great, Sean. Very original. I'm certian many end up mounted in frames as mini-art pieces.

    best wishes


  7. very artistic matey, loving the new ones, the one i picked up at the ball takes pride of place over my lathe, it reminds me of you drinking whisky and falling out of your chair, Paul

  8. Hi

    I enjoy a bit of photography myself, but have always been of the mind that images shouldn't be altered in any way to produce a final image. This means that usually I would dismiss images such as these. I have to say that I think that you have done a great job here. Some of these are beautiful images and concepts. To create an image so far from the original yet keeping its essence intact is a thing that you certainly have an eye for. Seriously, i'm impressed and will try to rein in my possibly knee-jerk reaction to altered images in the future. Thank you for sharing.

    Marc (


Sorry, because of the huge amount of dubious people leaving spam comments for their useless stuff, I unfortunately have to bring back word verification.