
Saturday 24 September 2011

Carved wooden hummingbird.

Sometimes it takes a simple addition to lift an item into being a great artefact. If you read my last post I was happier with the hummingbird drinking nectar from a wooden flower on a thin bent willow stick, which was totally impracticable. The other set up was functional and long lasting, but lacked something. At the workshop I had an idea of putting leaves onto the base of the flower. Needing something that was quick and simple I picked up some ash shavings from the shaving horse and fashioned them into petals.
The whole fanbird and flower is now more balanced.  I have noticed that it so easy to go too far with finishing or embellishment and ruin a piece of work. The" KISS" saying has a lot of truth to it, "keep it simple stupid". I thank my good sense to use waste shavings rather than making or carving wooden petals, which could have made the bird with flower more expensive and time consuming.

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